And in fact, in his Saviano Gomorra (and who knows how many before him) had explained it very well: the mafia, are essentially associations pursuing economic purposes, from time to time using the fastest and most effective way to accumulate wealth. No rules, no scruples, only maximum profit.
and accumulate wealth without the fetters of the rules in a context where those who break the rules is simply considered to be more clever, it is clear that rapidly becomes an economic power and (in the same context) as a result a political interlocutor.
Okay, where's the news?
Unfortunately there is not.
I read one of the many volumes of the History of Italy Indro Montanelli, journalist and writer I binds 'admiration for the' integrity and moral rectitude, but not the political vision.
Well Montanelli, told in '72 (or so) that in Sicily there has ever evolved from the feudal state, with a elite group of barons who govern independently and for their exclusive interest, the region. Sometimes in concert with the state, sometimes threatening and blackmailing him sometimes. Delicious
part which explained that the threats are typically brought by the creation of an autonomist party (and there 's we !) And that the state usually responds by granting special or local parliament Guarantees with the 'provision of special funds (it's a few days ago the news of Bank of the South !) Of course, closed Montanelli, people who let inflamed speeches from the separatists, he would certainly enjoy more freedom, I saw the above beak of a penny, because they were being pocketed entirely by the barons.
Believe me, it is sad to read volumes of forty years ago, the story today.
However, just to accept and woodwind instruments at least offer you a fun (as well as inquetante), I leave you a link that I found on the blog Committee's anti-Mafia Milan a link to a tool developed (under his responsibility) by Luca Dello Iacovo, senior journalist of new technologies. This is a map drawn up on Google which brings together - by taking the information from newspapers or books on the subject - all locations of the clan of organized crime. The effect vision is staggering, especially for my friends in San Donato.
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