Armani Junior - BBA Liss = 73 - 48 (20-21, 39-24, 52-41)
Pernumian Referee Mr P. Vanzago
Armani Junior : * Villa 11, Rossi 2; Omazzi 7; Delos Reyes 13; * Garibay; Spinelli 7; Asiedu * 2 * Malgrati 6; Ciancio 7; Novelli 6; Mori * 7; Folcioni 5; Monguzzi P. Ass.te Cesati A. FF30
FS20 TL 13/24 54% T3-Villa 2 Omazzi
outputs x = 5 fouls
BBA : Pirola; Bossola * Monti 5; Beretta 2 * 2 Cattelan; Belotti 4; Beschi; Donadoni * 14; Casiraghi; Franks Feet * 3; Terrana * 14; Giustini 4. E. Tuft Ass.te Bommartini GiĆ²
FF20 FS30 TL 12/43 27.9% T3 Terrana
outputs x 1 = 5 fouls
The percentages are too low in the BBA, allow students to mortgage dell'Armani already at rest on a compelling game played in intense pace by both teams. The folks at Tuft take the field well in the first quarter and despite the physical gap usually manage to maintain high encounter rates producing fast actions, aimed at turning around the quintet, also forcing the defense to foul Milanese. Only 7 'by the Armani serious overtaking but contains BBA, while starting to miss easy opportunities from the field and from the foul line. The white and red Spinelli puts the signature on the fourth marking the final 7 points, but the signature triple Terrana Lissone the advantage at the first siren. Two raids physical of Ciancio and triple Omazzi give the start to the second fraction with a partial interrupted by maxi TO Lissone called off the bench. The Armani engages the turbo with constant pressure and double Tuttocampo that undermines the quintet guest. The wicked percentages only increase the gap has become important, allowing landlords to administer the benefit. 8 minutes pass before
see the board move the guests, but unfortunately only 3 times and from the foul line. Game firmly in the hands of local 39/24 on the recovery after the long break, with the boys Lissone trying to return home. Giustini is opposed to the physicality of the red and white in the area gaining major balls to the basket and also translating the work of a changed lineup. Terrana return from injury is generous in scope and with a little cold up the percentages from the line. Despite continuing to spoil much, the BBA stitches with determination and generosity even going up to -7 at the end of the fourth, but Delos Reyes Asiedu and take advantage of some uncertainty to bring the Milanese to +11.
E 'Ancora Ciancio opening to give a shoulder to the opponent's defense play well served by the talented Villa is also proposed that as a filmmaker with arrest and shooting and soon after with a large pearl arch. Lissone blow but I take the natural supremacy of the owners house and the percentages still bend to a minimum the last resistance. Bring Home 2 / 4 from Milan is always a good meal, with some additions that can turn into an excellent dessert. Then forced to work in the oven to bake Palafiere good things.
Upcoming opponents of the 4-day return of the boys Boffalora, Sunday, 06/03/2011 Palafiere the ball with two at 17.00.
Pernumian Referee Mr P. Vanzago
Armani Junior : * Villa 11, Rossi 2; Omazzi 7; Delos Reyes 13; * Garibay; Spinelli 7; Asiedu * 2 * Malgrati 6; Ciancio 7; Novelli 6; Mori * 7; Folcioni 5; Monguzzi P. Ass.te Cesati A. FF30
FS20 TL 13/24 54% T3-Villa 2 Omazzi
outputs x = 5 fouls
BBA : Pirola; Bossola * Monti 5; Beretta 2 * 2 Cattelan; Belotti 4; Beschi; Donadoni * 14; Casiraghi; Franks Feet * 3; Terrana * 14; Giustini 4. E. Tuft Ass.te Bommartini GiĆ²
FF20 FS30 TL 12/43 27.9% T3 Terrana
outputs x 1 = 5 fouls
Upcoming opponents of the 4-day return of the boys Boffalora, Sunday, 06/03/2011 Palafiere the ball with two at 17.00.
photos by "Papa Feet"
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