My sister is fond of cheese, which ends, every day, never miss his cooking! and believe it! ricotta, fresh and classic basket full, is directly purchased from a cooperative within walking distance from home. To further its tasty lunches, as my classic tart cherries had liked, why not join ricotta and cherries?
here is the

stuffed with tart cherries and ricotta
for SHORT CRUST PASTRY long since I follow the following recipe ...
300 g flour 1 egg and 1 egg yolk
150 g sugar (white or brown or mixed as you like ..)
between 150 and 160 g cold butter (the recipe, in theory, it provides 175 but I always decreases)
work the ingredients with your fingertips very quickly to form a smooth and homogeneous and store in refrigerator for at least an hour covered with foil.
In the meantime I prepared the CHERRIES cleaning them, removing the stone and putting pieces together in a pan with a little cinnamon for about 10 '(if you want you can substitute the cherry jam!). Now for the
RICOTTA (from the collection A cherry a day ): I have mixed with the whisk 400 g of ricotta with one egg, the zest of a lemon and 50g sugar until a smooth cream.
I spread the pastry, I moved into a well greased and floured cake pan, I distributed the mixture of cherries (now cold) and above, with a spatula, the mixture of ricotta. I finally decorated with the advanced pastry tart.

Needless to say that the run time of this tart is minimal:)! moved quickly in a short.
I would advise to leave the pie "to settle" before moving on to the tasting otherwise might be too crumbly! very good !!!!!!!
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