images from: www.formaggiokitchen.com and www.discoveringumbria.it
The recipe, with some modifications with regard to quantity, is inspired by that of ItalianFoodNet . In reality, an ingredient crucial , which was to take part in the recipe, the pears were not I was at home), did not want to postpone it because today I was just the blue cheese ... so I simplified the recipe to a simple nuts & gorgonzola
Ingredients 50 g butter
nuts to your liking without reducing them to pieces too small
parsley 150 g gorgonzola
1 \\ 2 cup fresh cream
black pepper pasta ...
while the pasta is cooking prepare the sauce by putting the butter in a frying pan (medium heat), and when the butter has melted add the walnuts, gorgonzola cheese, parsley, and finally the cream. Do not forget to tighten the sauce, being careful not to boil too. Drain the pasta and pour in the sauce ... before serving sprinkle with black pepper.
Excuse me if I have not posted a picture of the dish but I forgot to take lunch early and when I remembered there was nothing!
bon appetit!
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