A lazy Sunday afternoon can turn into a covert accomplice of unfortunate choices. And for this, we introduced ourselves to buy two cinema tickets for the 'latest work by Denzel Washington, the post-apocalyptic film of Genesis Code Hughes brothers.
History, is a road movie that takes place thirty winters after the nuclear war that has made the earth and almost uninhabited desert. Ours is Eli, a curious wanderer, who in his journey to the west, hemin makes its way all the brutes who crowd his path. A bit like Kenshiro , silense and relentless fighter, seems troubled by his destiny as a warrior.
Well, Eli is on the road for thirty years in a dangerous world and we do not know why. Indeed, after forty minutes, they begin to weigh as much as six decades of traveling Denzel, you begin to understand. A voice of his unconscious asked him to walk and get the book that he keeps and who reads every day, in a place where this book will be useful for a new beginning. The book, do not think I reveal no secret, is the Bible, the last remaining copy and it was not burned by the survivors after the 'holocaust of nuclear war.
On his way, also in search of the book because of its potential for control over the (hypothetical) masses, even the villain of the film, Gary Oldman. Inevitable confrontation and is obviously not going to tell you the result.
whole film is shot (I do not know the name of the technique) with the colors just mentioned, almost in black and white and this helps to make even more claustrophobic the unfolding of the plot. The assembly of
scene then, alternating fast-paced fighting (Hong Kong style) shots at times slow and complacent (style auteur German) and I confess this, confusion is likely to send in a simple soul like mine. Confusion which then turns into rancorous drowsiness, which generates a post like this to discourage genuine vision.
Perhaps there is more than a citation for those western movies 60/70 years, some a little psychedelic spaghetti-western, that having now tear and a smile makes you say "but look at these, that courage," but in my humble view, this is not enjoyable enough to make the projection. Film
slow and without a reason. With Washington and Oldman could do much better.