belong to the ranks of readers at all a snob, that all 'out of the Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown shall observe it as a wonderful adventure novel.
No wonder then that just left the 'last effort' s American author, I took advantage of the 'inevitable -30% discount to' Esselunga to procure a copy of the voluminous tome.
Bound by serious book, over 640 pages of story, the lost symbol is bulkier volume in my library. Won the 'performance anxiety, I started reading.

Here, a detractor of our writer, the review may close the case.
Not much to say about it monoepressivo Robert Langdon, the protagonist of the saga, whose thickness is much lower even than the book. Of him we know only that wakes up every morning hours before dawn to get to a disproportionate number of tanks pool and teaches success with symbols to 'universities. Ah! I forgot, a child has slipped into a well and they have been traumatized, getting a violent form of claustrophobia (as well as a crazy bad luck, because every story he happens to be locked up in some kind of closet ...).
To be clear, other than Tom Hanks had to do to interpret Steven Seagal movie! But
But I'm not a detractor at all costs. And then I have to just admit that without bewitch (instead of what happened with the Code), romanzone this adventure, I was intrigued and enthralled from cover to cover.
strong pace twists and turns that follow one another with a frequency so high that you could not even dwell on the goodness of the same.
conclusion, this is not for delicate palates, but a well-designed and exciting adventure story, with no other pretensions than to amuse. And sell.
Your blog of the evening, he considers ideal for reading a digestive after Christmas lunch.